Welcome! Here you will find information for educators and students to support you in the classroom and at home.
Britannica School : For K-12. An online encyclopedia tool for biography and research topics. Includes a citation tool.
Pebble Go : For PreK-3. An online tool for basic research on animal and social studies topics.
Explora: An online research database and encyclopedia.
World Book : An online encyclopedia for elementary school learners.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos : An online encyclopedia for Spanish speakers or students learning Spanish.
eBook K-8 : eBooks for K-8 students.. Also resources for teachers.
ABCya : Reading games geared towards grade PreK - 5. Includes some games in Spanish.
Starfall : For beginning readers. Includes books that read aloud to you.
Novelist K-8 : Database for grades K-8 to help you find read-alikes and book recommendations.
Bedtime Math : Help develop a love of math.
Fun Brain : Games, reading, videos, and more.
PBS Kids : Play games on a varity of topis and watch episodes of your favorite shows.
Library Programs in Ferndale Schools
Early Childhood Center: Monthly preschool storytime for FECC students.
Lower Elementary School: Youth Librarians create monthly video content for FLEL students, including virtual storytimes, virtual tours of the library, and more!
Upper Elementary School: Battle of the Books 2025 starting late fall 2024! Last years winning team: Knights of the Periodic Table.
Middle School: FMS Rainbow Club is a social group for LGBTQ+ middle schoolers and allies. Snacks and low-key activities (including crafts and board games) are provided. Questions? Ask Ms. Zold or Ms. Amreen at FMS. Next meeting: April 15th at 3:15 pm.
Ferndale High School: We are looking for FHS staff that we can partner with at the schools. Interested in discussing potential ideas? Please fill out our Library Visit form.
University High School: 2024-2025 academic year is bringing a new program pen to all UHS students. Stay tuned for more details!
Interested in partnering with FADL at your school? Please fill out our Library Visit form.