About this event
FADL Film Club
Discussing: The Films of Davd Lynch
Just like a book club, only for MOVIES. Join the conversation. Watch the film ahead of time (or, if you've already seen it, plan to rewatch it), and then join us at the Ferndale Library and meet/chat with other film buffs while we watch a few key clips from the film. We'll even have some snacks!
*This meeting of Film Club will be a little different. Typically, we'll select a single film to discuss, but on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, we'll be discussing the Films of David Lynch. Have you only ever seen one film by the late Director? That's fine, we'd still love for you to join us! Or, if you've seen everything Lynch has ever made, we want you to be there too! We'll discuss our own personal favorite films by Lynch, his style, his consistent themes, and exactly how does one define the term "Lynchian"?